Complaints and Defamation
Note from Ruth: I’ve been around for over twenty-five (25) years and in that time, produced hundreds of human companion animals for humans I’ve approved. Complaints started, beginning in 2013, with several breeders who complained that I wasn’t breeding to breed standards because I wasn’t breeding for the typical “top-line” with angulated hind quarters. My breeding philosophy has not changed! I believe the health of the dog is more important than vanity, or show, and breed for straight backs which is natural and the way it should be done. These “competitors” have stopped at nothing but smearing my good name and crafting legitimate sounding posts or complaints boards in order to try and bring me down. Complaintsboard, and others are hosted in third world countries that extort money from good businesses and require no proof whatsoever that the posts are actual customers.
In addition, I require my clients to follow my guidelines regarding veterinary medicine and care. Since the beginning, I’ve only bred dogs rated good or better for displacia and purchased dogs that I’ve added to my lines that are free from any known genetic diseases. What I have discovered, over the years, is that the White German Shepherd dog is still prone to drug sensitivity due to sensitive livers. This is something that is completely preventable is people would just stop rushing to their veterinarian for every perceived threat to the health of their dog. Neurological issues as a result of drugs can lead to seizures and epilepsy! My “Do Nothing” policy works and can be found in my health section in this website. I have reeently started testing for the MDR1 gene, but even if my dogs are negative, I still avoid all drugs. Virtually any intervention, whether that is for a human or a dog, will have side effects and unfortunately, this breed of dog,
I want to be totally honest here, problems do arise when new clients blindly go along with their veterinarians and their standard protocols. Adverse reactions from medications are always a possibility. Dogs are not made of teflon, particularly the White German Shepherd. This is the one and only issue that I’ve had problems with and it has resulted in profound grief from clients whose dogs developed reactions like seizures. It’s a nightmare that veterinarians are all to readily eager to resolve because its more money in their pocket. Doping dogs as a result of the influence of Big Pharma in the veterinary profession, and their lack of accountability, is a huge problem for breeders. This is very upsetting to someone like me who cares deeply about my dogs and their owners and totally avoidable.
With the exception of an accident, which has been extremely rare, none of my dogs have ever visited a veterinarian. This is perhaps my most important piece of advise.
I always suggest speaking with clients who have followed my guidelines and whose dogs are thriving and/or lived to old age in order to determine if one of my dogs is right for you.
My clients follow my advise, including not over vaccinating or using tick collars which causes toxicity and seizures. Please do NOT click on these links because to do so just increases the page ranking of these fraudsters and gives them the narcissistic supply they so crave! Read for yourself….